Visitor Profile

Food and Beverage Facilities, -

Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants, -

Oil and Natural Gas Installations, -

Power Plants, -

Renewable Energy Plants, -

Iron and Steel Industry, -

Cement Factories, -

Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry, -

Paper and Pulp Mills, -


- Mine Facilities,

- Automotive and Supply Industry Factories,

- Machine Manufacturers,

- Textile Factories,

- Polymer and Plastic Products,

- Glass Industry,

- Wood Industry,

- Chemical and Petrochemical Plants,

- Project Contracting Firms,

Why Should You Visit?

  • To find the opportunity to closely examine the latest technologies of the world's leading brands in the field of Measurement - Control and Automation,
  • Designing your projects with the advice of expert process control engineers,
  • To find not temporary but deep-rooted solutions to your measurement control and automation problems that are frequently experienced in your field,
  • To get acquainted with systems and technologies that can prevent unplanned stoppages,
  • To be familiar with products, systems and software solutions that will increase production speed, flexibility and production efficiency